FRP and stainless steel membrane housings on the cover.

Membrane Housings for NF and RO Membranes

Snowate provides fiberglass and stainless steel membrane housings for water treatments. They are used combined with reverse osmosis membranes and nanofiltration membranes to provide pure and ultra pure water for home, commercial and industrial productions.

Our membrane housings are qualified and can satisfy 300–1200 PSI working pressures and supply strong protection for membranes.

Membrane Housings
300–1200 Working Pressures

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  • ASME Satisfy ASME requirements for better quality.
  • Different Pressure 300 to 1200 PSI working pressure satisfy different application.
  • Different Materials FRP and stainless steel materials options for different condition.
  • Port Options Side and end port design match with pipeline design and use.
  • Fit for Membranes Suitable for RO membrane and NF membranes
  • Covers Industry Fit for home, commercial and industrial use.
  • Durable No rusting, anti-oxidation & aging