Floating Bed Softening VS Fixed Bed Softening in Performance


The ion exchange equipment, because of its function, corresponds to the process in the following three main applications:

  • The extraction of the required chemical substances.
  • Replacement of ions in the water, allowing the water to be purified.
  • Removal of calcium, magnesium and other scaling metal ions from the water.

Here we focus on the purification of water and the removal of calcium and magnesium ions. Ion exchange occupies a very important position in the water treatment industry and with the passage of time and familiarity with the process itself, the ion exchange process has given rise to more and more sub-processes in the equipment.

  • By regeneration of the ion exchange. There are downflow regeneration and upflow regeneration.
  • By the movement of the ion equipment. It can be divided into fixed bed and floating.
The drawing of upflow and downflow.
Comparison Chart of Floating Bed and Fixed Bed
Item Fixed Bed Floating Bed
Water Direction Top Enter Bottom Enter
Regeneration Downflow regeneration Upflow regeneration
Running flow velocity 20–30 m/h 30–60 m/h
Backwash flow velocity 15 m/h -
Backwash Time 10-20 min -
Backwash water consumption 0.785xdx15÷60×15 -
Regeneration Velocity 3–5 m/h 3–5 m/h
1 mol resin regeneration Salt consumption 120-160 g/mol 80–100 g/mol
Running Flow Velocity 20-30 m/h 40-50 m/h
Occupied Area Large Small
Self Consumption Rate 10% 2% to 4%

In summary, the fixed bed and floating bed has different running ways and performance, you should select them according to your actual conditions, you can contact us for further recommendation.